blogBack In Action: Ignite Your Curiosity!

Back In Action: Ignite Your Curiosity!

May 25, 2023 
• 3 minutes

Hey friends, family, well-wishers, supporters, donors, subscribers.
Whatever beautiful soul is reading this. Kudos to you!

I am posting this after a long time. Two months! Can you believe it?
Anyway, forgive me for not writing. What can I say? It’s not easy to find time. Time is there, but it is a matter of how we organize, utilize and prioritize it. Sometimes our service + life is just overwhelming.

Urugaya dasa from th3 lot surrounded by hungry villagers trying to get Krishna prasadam

Life Is Busy 

Currently I work full time for a project where we teach mantra meditation with the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, as well as develop courses, write articles and make videos and other kinds of content. If any of you are into spirituality, meditation or religion, please look, and even register. This service takes a lot of my time. On the days that I cook I do not go home and rest, I go home and get on the computer and continue my work. On top of this, because my wife and I require a little more income, we started a small business from our home selling ice cream. I wish I could just drop everything and only cook and serve for TH3 LOT, but it isn't that simple.

Eager villagers in mayapur line up for prasadam served by th3 lot

More Days, Less Days

Previously we wer cooking Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, but I have had to cut down to Tuesday and Sundays only. Perhaps in the winter when more people come to Mayapur we will get more help from the community and be able to cook more days. Now it’s summer and I am struggling to get help just to lift the pot onto the back of the truck to go for distribution. I am not doing a good job to inspire others to step forward and help. I don’t know how to get more support for this project. On top of that, especially now with the summer heat, it is a very difficult, heavy service to do this. Still, we march on.  

Young boy and girl from village being happy with th3 lot

Did You See Our Videos?

The first was about the fire pit that we built as (due to the kindness of many of you). If you didn’t catch it, here it is:

And our first time cooking on wood fire:

It is really fun and nice and wonderful. And the first time we cooked WAY TOO MUCH. With such a big pot we got a little ambitious. We fed the entire village and still had left overs.

Urugaya serving Krishna prasadam to young village children.

It is a big job though. The clean up is intense. And looking after the pot will be a challenge moving forward, especially in the rainy season. Need to make sure it doesn’t go rusty.

Even I tried to put out the fire with water and it exploded all over my face with hot soot. I was covered in ash! Always a learning experience. TH3 LOT has taught me a lot! By the end of a cooking day I am so dirty I can’t believe it.

An Appeal For Your Help:

Our Tuesday Navadwipa adventures to the widows ashram continues. These ladies especially require assistance. At least in the villages there is a community of sorts. But many times no one is seriously looking after these ladies.

Old widows of the bhajan ashram in Navadwipa lining up for th3 lot
Sand Into Soil
Trying to turn the sand in the garden into soil has been very difficult nad hard work. The amount of raw materials that is required is just too much. To do it on a small patch is possible, but we require large amounts of vegetables for TH3 LOT to be able to feed people. So for now I am only putting minimal effort into the garden, as already my energies are stretched.  
Maintenance Is the Mode of Goodness 

We have good facilities. Thanks to you we have a small truck, a huge iron pot, but maintaining them is not easy. The pot weighs 141kg it is not easy to move around, but I need to protect it from the elements. Already I can see a few spots of rust on our truck. I need to be very careful to maintain all this equipment so that we can continue doing this service many years into the future. 
Urugaya in th3 lot blue truck

Dream On, Carry On

I want to expand and do more but I don’t know how. So I carry on with sincerity and burning desire, and leave the rest up to divine will. I dream of the future, having land with lots of vegetables growing, maybe even a small community with kirtan as the heartbeat, living close to nature, serving others. Anyway, dream on, carry on.

See you all soon
Kind regards
Urugaya and TH3 LOT team

Urugaya dances in a circle with young kids from the village after th3 little finished distributing Krishna prasadam

Stay updated on our mission to serve 1 billion plates.

Special thanks to our monthly donors:
Satrughna Das
Arindam Mukherjee
Manasi Devi Dasi
Brandi Pennell
vijay kamath
Michelle Fuhlbohm
Suraj Kumar
Vimel Chug
Rakesh Thota
Uma M K
Anushma Sharma
Vish Bindage
Megharaju Kachu
Corey Ackerman
Ryan Dowless
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