Choose how you want to support us

Love is in the details! So let's get down to specifics and let you choose the ingredients you want to supply us. Cover the just vegetables or gas, or all the ingredients combined add up to one days cooking! The semolina pudding (30kgs) also known as Halva is a separate service we offer, for those who have a sweet tooth!

Stay updated on our mission to serve 1 billion plates.

Special thanks to our monthly donors:
Satrughna Das
Arindam Mukherjee
Manasi Devi Dasi
Brandi Pennell
vijay kamath
Michelle Fuhlbohm
Suraj Kumar
Vimel Chug
Rakesh Thota
Uma M K
Anushma Sharma
Vish Bindage
Megharaju Kachu
Corey Ackerman
Ryan Dowless
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